Ocean Avenue is not just an address, it’s a lifestyle.
The Ocean View. No matter how you look at it, Ocean Avenue takes your breath away. Afternoon bay breezes float across deep blue ocean waves, past palm-tree lined Ocean Avenue and Palisades Park, toward creamy Santa Monica Beaches and the Santa Monica and Malibu mountains beyond. From morning light to sunset, you know you’re where you want to be.
Ocean Avenue Condominiums are Santa Monica living just the way you like: stylish but casual, local and exotic with an international touch. It’s where sleek, bright and upscale properties sit comfortably next to historic or quaint. And all are only a moment away from world class Beaches, Montana Avenue Boutiques, Cafes and Coffee Houses and the unique 3rd Street Promenade with its renowned Farmer’s Market and Santa Monica Place, with fine dining and entertainme ...
Ocean Avenue is not just an address, it’s a lifestyle.
The Ocean View. No matter how you look at it, Ocean Avenue takes your breath away. Afternoon bay breezes float across deep blue ocean waves, past palm-tree lined Ocean Avenue and Palisades Park, toward creamy Santa Monica Beaches and the Santa Monica and Malibu mountains beyond. From morning light to sunset, you know you’re where you want to be.
Ocean Avenue Condominiums are Santa Monica living just the way you like: stylish but casual, local and exotic with an international touch. It’s where sleek, bright and upscale properties sit comfortably next to historic or quaint. And all are only a moment away from world class Beaches, Montana Avenue Boutiques, Cafes and Coffee Houses and the unique 3rd Street Promenade with its renowned Farmer’s Market and Santa Monica Place, with fine dining and entertainment. The Santa Monica Coastal Lifestyle is a day off from the ordinary where living well is everything.
Ocean Avenue Condominiums – The Coastal Lifestyle of Santa Monica, offers Mid to Highrise full service Buildings, Garden style living, grand scale New and historic Homes on the Sand with waves crashing out front and large community living in Ocean Park, moments to Main Street. Ocean Avenue Condominiums, your destination for all properties Coastal in Santa Monica.
On July 15, 1875, the first lots were put on the auction block. The lots sold for $500. Tom Fitch, the auctioneer made an eloquent speech which made a great impression on bidders.
“At one o’clock we will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder the Pacific Ocean, draped with a western sky of scarlet and gold; we will sell a bay filled with white winged ships; we will sell a southern horizon, rimmed with a choice collection of purple mountains carved in castles and turrets and domes; we will sell a frostless, bracing, warm yet unlaungured air braided in and out with sunshine and odored with the breath of flowers.”
Let me help guide you to the lifestyle of your dreams, Nili